Once again, Jonny at Bouncy Rock has come up ...

March 24, 2008 by Adam in NWN2

Once again, Jonny at Bouncy Rock has come up with something amazing. He's whipped up three types of hook hands that work with all different races and genders. You can see a bigger version here. I can't wait to start getting these into the game and bump up the Piratey Quotent a few more notches.

I'm still slowly getting through e-mail this morning, as is typical for a Monday. It looks like there's a few bugs, and a few workarounds I'm coding in for the next patch. There's a weird issue for the import/export method I propose to get around the "can't buy a ship" bug. When you export a character, it strips out item variables, which causes the Blade of Victory to revert to a single gem slot. What I'll be doing is checking to see if the player has the sword, and setting the variables as appropriate.

I'm starting to think of those sort of issues with DW3. What I'll probably do is provide a way for players to jump right into it and select which choices they made (e.g. allied with Lord Brighton, romanced Heather, etc.). That should help for both testing and players who skip playing the first two modules.

As for today, I'll probably spend a little time working on bug fixing (most of which is fairly minor. Mostly I'd like to work on the core modules and getting the beginning put together properly. There's lots to do, but fortunately it's fun.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.