I redid the external area, getting rid of the...

March 21, 2008 by Adam in NWN2

I redid the external area, getting rid of the sky map entirely. I think it's getting closer to the final, dreamy look that I'm shooting for. There's a bit more scripting required, but the area is pretty close to done (it's a very short intro area, basically).

Now I need to figure out what area to work on next. What I'd really like to get to is some more writing today, but I may end up working on converting the Clockwork Man or lighthouse modules. They're somewhat lengthy, so they'd take awhile.

Jonny at Bouncy Rock has already made a hook hand to add to the Dark Waters piratey goodness. It's always a treat to watch a professional modeler at work. I would have been happy with something vaguely pointing sticking out of an arm socket. Getting something with rough straps of leather and grooved steel is a treat. I think he's going to do a fancy version as well, which is extra cool.

As an aside, it looks like my podcast should arrive next Friday. Finally everyone will get to hear me as a real person, and not some monster, seductive Frenchman, or Death itself.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.