The bug reports have been trickling in this w...

March 20, 2008 by Adam in NWN2

The bug reports have been trickling in this week, but at a much reduced rate than what I'd expected. Hopefully it's a sign that those many months of debug time have paid off. While most of the issues are rare, it looks like the 64-bit version of Vista has a fair number of crashes with the game. Sadly I'm not sure there's a lot I can do to fix those. In terms of the other bugs, I'll probably put together an update in a week or two, though the issues are fairly mild. With the 1.12 patch out yesterday, I'd like to update the 2da files and see if the patch causes any problems.

In the meantime, I've continued to work on the next act of the campaign. This morning I worked on the "Place Between" area, trying to make it suitably eerie. The scripting needs some work, though, as when I tested the starting point of the module, I became invisible and no one came to talk to me. Sniff.

Finally, the folks at NWN Podcast have graciously volunteered to make a hook-hand for the next module. I'm horribly excited to get some hook-hand pirates in the game, so I appreciate Jonny's help immensely.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.