I took it easy for a few days, the calm befor...

March 10, 2008 by Adam in NWN2

I took it easy for a few days, the calm before the storm of release. Yesterday I started to get into the next module in earnest, having a good time working on new islands in the High Seas area. I would feel negligent if I didn't include the archetypal skull-shaped mountain. It's the home of Death, and the player can now pay him a visit.

Though the third act is only barely playable, you can now sail from the docks of Port Brighton to Death's lair. Hooking up the rest of the islands is straightforward, if tedious.

On Friday I put together a "Crash Team" of the people running into crashes. One person reported success by deleting all the placeables and placed effects from the areas causing problems. Why that would matter, I have no idea. I see I have more reports in my in box this morning, so I'll have to take a closer look.

I'm tentatively shooting at Wednesday for release, unless I get any show-stopping bugs. Typos and other minor things will likely wait for a post-release patch.

Update: It looks like deleting placeables and visual effects didn't fix anything, but AlanC9 reported success when resizing the areas that cause problems to 2x2. Evidently tiny areas cause crashes for some people for some odd reason.

Later Update: I have confirmation that we've finally found the cause of the crash bug. It turns out that some people have problems entering an area that's 1x2 in size. This should be fixed in the most recent version:

Dark Waters 1 (full)
Dark Waters 2 (full)

Someone also had an "area not available" bug when trying to board. That should be fixed now. There was another typo. Heather and Daniel's familiar and animal companion were missing names. Everyone extend a warm welcome to Mister Snuggles and Buddy.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.