I was a very good boy yesterday and this morning

March 05, 2008 by Adam in NWN2

I was a very good boy yesterday and this morning. I probably fixed twenty typos, a puzzle logic problem, a crash bug for the pirate card game, and lots more. You can take a look at all the issues I fixed here.

I took another shot at fixing the infamous crash bug some people get when trying to enter the Armory, tattoo shop, and the Mad Hatter. When I was looking at the Gnome Engineers for the Pirate Card game, they never appeared as visible and would often crash the game. After lots of fiddling, I recreated the creature blueprint from scratch and everything started to work again. Using the same logic, I ended up recreating the NPC in each of the affected shops. Though it's a long-shot, this might prevent crashes for people.

My testing took me all over the place, with little typo fixes in both DW1 and DW2. There were a few issues I couldn't replicate, which is always frustrating. In general, though, I feel very good about the state of the module. Even though the campaign is extremely complicated, things generally work as designed.

Here are the latest files:
Dark Waters 1 (full)
Dark Waters 2 (full)

The PR blitz should start up shortly. If these versions generally work, I'll plan on getting them to the Vault right around the same time. Neato.

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I've won multiple awards for my Neverwinter Nights modules, which I've been working on since the year 2000. In the real world, I'm a web developer for a healthcare organization. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.