At Hill's Edge, the party discovers that the local Temple of Cyric is creating undead and shipping them to an unknown location. Quincel, the high priestess, has left for Skull Gorge looking for an artifact of power. The adventurers must next find her and expose the true source of the troubles.
At the beginning of the adventure, the group will meet again with Josura. Thistle is present as well. Josura: Welcome [FirstName]! I have heard from Captain Preth on your success. Without your help, I'm afraid that he and all his men would have perished. Your latest discovery is even more troubling. Tell me again what you found. 1. It appears that a thief by the name of Shrak had been intercepting the messages and passing orders that kept the Zhentarim and Red Shields battling to the death. Madness! Why would they do such a thing? 1. I am not certain, but it appears Shrak was carting the bodies to Hill's Edge. A woman named Quincel wrote to him. I also have a claim ticket for a store room at a warehouse. [FirstName], I would ask another favor. Could you investigate this matter further? Thistle can charter a boat up the River Reaching. You could leave at once. Thistle: Now Josura, I have goods waiting to be sold in the market . . . Josura: Thistle, I would beg of you. A favor for an old friend? Thistle: Very well, though your friendship may be the death of me, I treasure it still. Josura: Then it's settled. [FirstName], pack your bags. You leave at once. |